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What are the advantages of portable bleachers?

Multisports and cultural centers are undoubtedly the most versatile places in a community. Given the many needs and attractions of these infrastructures, the addition of portable grandstands is a considerable asset.

The MAXAM 1 portable grandstand by Hussey Seating Company is designed for rapid deployment by a single person. Made from lightweight aluminum, you can use and move it virtually anywhere, including through standard frames and elevators.

The portable stand: your new fully removable bleachers!


The acquisition of a MAXAM1 stand has the major advantage of being an effective solution to all the needs of a sports complex. Need to move it outside for a morning event, then move it near the indoor pool or to the gym for an afternoon competition? The MAXAM1 requires very little manpower to move it where it’s really needed.

Take for example the Mascouche Desjardins Aquatic Complex. The complex had every advantage in opting for a series of portable grandstands to not only provide a comfortable solution for all its users, but also an infinite number of options in terms of the removable seating concept, which concrete bleachers with seats could not offer.

Complexe aquatique Desjardins Mascouche Atmosphäre portable grandstand

Incomparable versatility

Although the grandstand can provide seating for an audience, the possible uses don’t stop there. In the context, for example, of an ice rink hosting figure-skating clubs, or an aquatic complex with a swimming club, MAXAM1 now makes it possible to have club “photo days” with fast, efficient set-up.

Customization: a grandstand in your team’s colors

With the option of adding your club’s logo at the bottom of the stand, for example, and even choosing the color of the seats, the opportunity to create a real sense of belonging at the heart of your facilities is a real advantage.

For example, Biddeford High School in Maine not only chose to apply its club logo to the sides of its MAXAM1 grandstands, but also placed them at the entrance to the complex where trophies and awards are displayed. This effective installation when the grandstands are not in use greatly enhances the athletes’ sense of belonging and pride!

Biddeford High School, photo credit: Hussey Seating Company


To find out more about the MAXAM 1 and see all our grandstand options, click here.

To find out more about our complete range of products for multisport centers, take a look at our brochure.

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