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Radisson Ferry

Radisson Ferry


Furniture designed for maritime spaces

The MV Radisson, which operates the Quebec-Lévis crossing, required robust furniture that could withstand maritime conditions while guaranteeing passenger comfort during short crossings.

That’s why we chose to install Bernù Poly seats by Arconas, specially designed for demanding, high-traffic environments.

Key features of Bernù Poly seats :

  • Adaptation to maritime conditions: Our Bernù Poly seats are perfectly suited to demanding maritime environments. Their robust construction ensures durability while withstanding the rigors of shipping.
  • Ease of maintenance: The cantilevered structure of the benches simplifies floor maintenance, minimizing downtime. The polyurethane coating not only offers optimum comfort for passengers, but is also easy to maintain, which is essential given STQ’s needs.
  • Proven experience: It’s important to note that the MV Radisson is not the first STQ ship to benefit from our Bernù Poly cantilever benches. This is the third successful installation of these seats on an STQ vessel, after the MV Jos-Deschênes and the MV Armand-Imbeau. This experience proves our expertise in providing reliable solutions for the transport sector.

Comfort for all crossings

Whether it’s a long trip like the 2-hour crossing from Matane to Godbout, or a short crossing like the 15-minute crossing on the MV Radisson, STQ passengers will be comfortable thanks to our Bernù Poly seats.

We understand the importance of passenger comfort and satisfaction, whatever the time spent on board.

Impact on the transport sector

This project is an outstanding example of how our furniture, and in particular our Bernù Poly seats, contribute to improving the passenger experience in the transport sector.

Waiting areas become functional, welcoming spaces, offering an environment conducive to relaxation and connection, even during short journeys.

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