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Parc des Ha! Ha! Saguenay

Parc des Ha! Ha!


When planning this project, the Atmosphäre team came up with a concept featuring the largest rope pyramid that could be installed in the playground at Parc des Ha! Ha! This type of structure is part of the extensive portfolio of our manufacturer COROCORD, whose name has been associated with thousands of projects worldwide for over 45 years.

The pyramid at Parc des Ha ! Ha! allows all those who wish to do so to reach a summit that is unique and new to the Saguenay landscape, at an altitude of over 9 m!

This second pyramid, added to the existing one, is a unique play experience. Children will also have the pleasure of gazing at the surrounding area from one of the many membrane seats.

Proven technological innovation!

Corccord cables are designed using a unique patented process that makes them the most durable cables in the industry. The ropes are made of six steel strands covered with polyamide (the fiber that covers the rope). Two elements are fused together by electrical induction, preventing premature wear and considerably extending the rope’s service life.

A design that leaves no stone unturned!

To design this pyramid, COROCORD has selected three types of rope with different diameters, ensuring optimum grip for the child throughout the course. This selection also has a direct impact on the development of proprioception. The unique weave of COROCORD’s cables allows the climber to reach the summit according to his or her chosen route, making each ascent to the summit a unique experience!

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