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Signature projects

Inspiration and distinction

Creative public space design.

Signature projects are an invitation to turn your own ideas into reality and infuse your spaces with a little something extraordinary.

Customers participate in the evolution of the concept, working with us to develop artistic and architectural directions and layout solutions to suit their particular context. Whether playgrounds, public squares, auditoriums, children's centers, sports complexes, airports or anything else, we create inspiring, personalized signature environments that leave a lasting mark on public spaces.

Your creative lab.

We like to stir up ideas. But we can't do that without first understanding who you are, your environment, your objectives and your challenges. We work with you to explore the creative possibilities, develop the most inspiring concepts, and then work with the suppliers who can bring them to life.

Analyse des besoins
Needs assessment
Recherche et idéation
Research and ideation
Esquisses et rendus 3D
Sketches and 3D renderings
Got a project?
We're here to help.